5 Items You Should Bring on Your Next Hotel Stay


Last weekend I was able to get away for 2 nights with some of my longtime friends. It was such a gift to be able to have this time away, and it provided much needed relaxation, refreshment, and rest.

We stayed at a great hotel and appreciated our simple, clean accommodations. After the weekend I was thinking about that particular hotel stay and hotel stays, in general. I pack (and sometimes over-pack) thinking I know just what I need. Sometimes I get it right, and sometimes I realize I forgot something that would have been very helpful. Packing can sometimes be a bit of a guessing game, but I think there are some “should bring” items that might be a little unexpected.

Today I am sharing the 5 items you should bring on your next hotel stay.


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Hand soap

Most hotels supply a few toiletries including soap, but it is always bar soap. Washing my hands with bar soap is really not my favorite, and every time I stay at a hotel I think about my hand soap back home. So, the next time you head to a hotel, run into the Dollar Tree first, and buy yourself some inexpensive hand soap.

Flip flops

There was a pool at our hotel, and flip flops really are the best shoe for time at the pool. Flip flops are also great for sliding on when walking to the vending machine or making a quick trip down to the front desk. Flip flops are easy to toss in your bag and come in handy when you need to throw something on your feet.


Yes, most hotels have irons and ironing boards, but I find that whole process somewhat tedious. I am not a fan of ironing when I am at home, and I don’t enjoy doing it while I am away. A steamer is a much easier way to rid your clothing of all those crazy wrinkles that occur when your items are stuffed in your suitcase or bag. There are plenty of mini-steamers that can easily be packed with all your other belongings.

Laundry bag

By the end of your trip (whether 2 nights or 1 week) you will have a small (or large) pile of dirty clothes. I have a hard time shoving my dirty clothes into my bag with all the unused, clean clothes. A laundry bag is a simple solution. If you don’t want to purchase one, you can always just choose the frugal option, and grab a garbage bag from home. I also find that coming home with a laundry bag of dirty clothes makes unpacking much easier. Just throw the bag of clothes right into the washing machine, and put everything else away.

Cash for tips

I have worked at a B & B every summer since I was in high school, and I know housekeepers work hard to clean your room and give you your needed supplies. A tip is a great way to thank them for their service. It doesn’t have to be much, but it is always appreciated. You might also need tip money for room service or maybe just cash for the vending machine.

Those are my 5 “should haves” for your (or my) next hotel stay! They are simple items but very helpful in making for an even nicer get-away!

What about you? What items do you think are necessities when staying at a hotel? I would love to hear your ideas, so drop me a comment!

Until next time,

Continue reading “5 Items You Should Bring on Your Next Hotel Stay”

What I Do With The Clothes I Purge From My Closet

Several weeks ago I organized my bedroom closet, and this organizational mini-project led to the removal of several articles of clothing. Whenever we clean out or organize our closets we are left with a decision: What should we do with the clothes we purge?

Today I am sharing what I do with the clothes I purge from my closet.


(This post contains affiliate links, so thenotsobusymom receives a very small commission if you make a purchase through the links.)

I begin by doing a quick assessment, and then sort the clothes into piles determining what should be tossed out, given to friends, donated to an organization or sold.


Toss Out: Sometimes an item has to be tossed out. I don’t like when clothing becomes trash, but sometimes it has to happen. If I find clothes with holes, rips or other damage I toss them out. (If I am able to make them into rags then I do that.)

Give Away to Friends: I sometimes see an item and know it will be a good option for a friend. This happens most frequently with my children’s clothing. It’s nice to be able to share the love and pass along items that no longer fit my kiddos.

Donate to an Organization: We have many Red Cross and Salvation Army donation boxes around us. I limit the amount of clothing I leave in these boxes; I know these organizations are often overloaded with donations, and I am not fully certain about what happens to the clothes I donate. We have a local family pantry that receives clothing donations so that has become my first choice when donating to an organization.

Sell: There are times when I choose to sell my gently used items that no longer work for me because it is a unique way to make a little money. There are a number of consignment shops in my area, and there is one in particular that I will consign with if I choose to sell locally. More often than not, if I am choosing to sell, then I will do it online.

My number one online option for selling my gently used clothing is thredUP. I buy from thredUP and when it makes sense, I sell to them. The process for selling your clothes begins with ordering a clean out kit. The clean out kit consists of a large plastic bag (to fill with your clothes) and some basic info and instructions for sending your clothes to thredUP.


Poshmark is another option for selling your clothes. I just heard about and am trying Poshmark for the first time. I have listed just 2 items, and I will let you know if I have any success!

When donating or selling clothes, I like to take the time to make sure the clothes look as good as they can. There are two tools I use to make this happen: a lint roller and a fabric defuzzer.


Remove the lint!

Get rid of the pills!

A closet clean out and organization will lead to unwanted items, so remember the options I shared when considering what you might do with the items you purge!

What about you? What do you do with the items you purge from your closet? Leave me a comment; I would love to hear from you!

Until next time,


Continue reading “What I Do With The Clothes I Purge From My Closet”

Got 15 Minutes? Bedroom Closet Organization


I find I have this terrible habit of dreading tasks, so I wrote about this problem and a simple solution in a prior post. I have also found that it takes more time to dread and huff and puff about a task than it actually takes me to complete the task.

I am trying to be better about diving into various areas of my home that need attention and working for just fifteen minutes to see how much I can accomplish in that short amount of time. It is surprising how much can be done in a focused amount of time.

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Today begins Post 1 in a series called Got 15 Minutes?.

We live in a small home with small closets that can quickly become a bit disorderly, so my bedroom closet was the perfect spot to start my Got 15 Minutes? series.

The Bedroom Closet

Yesterday I put on some music, set my timer for 15 minutes and tackled my bedroom closet.

These were the 4 tasks I was able to accomplish in 15 minutes:

1. I pulled out unwanted clothing.

I quickly looked at everything hanging in my closet and pulled out items that I no longer was wearing including items that: didn’t fit well, were damaged in some way, or I just didn’t like.

2. I reorganized hanging items by category.

I took a few minutes to make sure like-items were hanging together. I put pants in one section, skirts in another, long sleeved shirts and then short sleeved shirts, etc. I know I don’t always keep things this orderly all the time, but it’s nice to reset when I can.

3. I removed any items that did not belong in my closet.

Why is my closet the catch-all? It seems that so many random items end up in the bottom of my closet. I took some time to pull out those items that should be living in another “home”.


4. I organized my folded sweaters.

I keep my sweaters in a wire basket on my top shelf. I pulled all of them out, got rid of a couple unwanted ones, refolded the keepers, and placed them back in the basket.

When the timer went off I was pleased with all the progress I made in a short amount of time. My closet was cleaner and more organized than it had been 15 minutes ago!

IMG_2812(My closet is not large or fancy, but it does the job & it does the job even better when I keep it clean & organized!)

Another 15 Minutes

I was actually so pleased with the progress I made that I decided to set the timer for another 15 minutes and see if I could bring even more order to my space. Another 15 minutes later, and I was smiling with satisfaction.

I’m so glad I stopped dreading this task and took some time yesterday to work on a needy space in my home.

What about you? What space can you tackle for 15 minutes today? I would love to hear from you, so leave me a comment below!

If you’re curious to learn what I do with the clothing I do purge, check out this blog post!

Until next time,

Continue reading “Got 15 Minutes? Bedroom Closet Organization”

5 Tasks to Do Before Bedtime to Prepare for the Next Day


Looking to make your mornings not so busy? Well, one of the best ways to improve your mornings is to improve your evenings. The things you do before bedtime can positively affect your morning mood and decrease the stress that often comes at the start of each day. Today I am sharing 5 tasks to do before bedtime to prepare for the next day!

(This post contains affiliate links, so thenotsobusymom receives a very small commission if you make a purchase through the links. Thank you for supporting the blog!)

1. Do a quick pick-up of common areas.

Take 10-15 minutes to clear counters, load and run the dishwasher, put away toys, straighten couch pillows and blankets and return stray items to their rightful homes. This task can take even less time (or you could accomplish even more in the same amount of time) if you invite all family members to participate. Waking to tidy spaces is a pleasant way to start the day.

2. Choose your clothes for the next day.

Taking just a few minutes to browse your closet for the next’s days outfit is a super simple way to save time and stress in the morning. Children should also pick the next day’s clothes (or you choose for younger children). You’ll see just how much you enjoy having clothes ready for your whole family the evening before; it’s so nice to have those decisions made ahead of time.

3. Pack your lunch(es).

This can be a task that seems simple enough to do in the morning, but it’s even more simple to complete the night before. If you work outside the home and need to bring a lunch, pack it before cleaning up the kitchen. If your children bring lunches, pack for them or (if they are older) let them put together a lunch before heading to bed. It’s one of those tasks you might dread, but you’ll be pleasantly surprised at just how quickly you can complete it when focused.

4. Create your to-do list.

Now that the day is done, you can take a few minutes to consider the next day ahead of you. Look at your calendar, glance at the current day’s to-dos (what did you accomplish and what still needs to be done?), and jot a quick list for the next day. It’s good to write it down and head to bed with a clearer mind.

5. Gather items by the door.

Purses, shoes, backpacks, jackets, library books, projects, band instruments, sport equipment, etc. should all be gathered near the door. Instead of running around in the morning yelling, “Grab your shoes!”, “Where are the library books?”, or “Have you seen my purse?”, gather all those items the prior evening, and save yourself the hassle of last minutes scrambles.

Can these tasks be completed each morning? Sure! And there are certainly mornings when I do 1 or all of these things, but let me tell you that those mornings are CRAZY!! If I can complete these 5 tasks each night then my mornings usually run smoothly, and my mood is quite pleasant. Things go well, I feel good, and those feelings are contagious and spread to my children. I encourage you to make your mornings not so busy by completing these 5 tasks (or even just 1) each evening. I think you’ll notice some welcome changes to your everyday mornings.

What about you? What do you do to prepare for the next day?

Until next time,


Continue reading “5 Tasks to Do Before Bedtime to Prepare for the Next Day”