Holiday Collection for Your Kids at Crazy 8

Holiday Collection for Your Kids At Crazy 8-1

This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. I was compensated for this post.

Many of us have events coming up this holiday season. Finding festive items for your kids just got a little easier thanks to Crazy 8!!!

Perhaps you are looking for a little something sweet or a little something sparkly for your toddler girl.holidaytoddler

Or maybe you want some fun plaid and a festive sweater for your toddler boy.


There are plenty of options for your big kids, too.goldstandardoutfit

fairisleToday I was able to pick up a few pieces for my kids for Christmas Eve. Jump on over to Crazy 8, and see if you find anything you like!

Crazy 8 Sale On Now!

Until next time,

My 5 Favorites (November 2017)


It’s the middle of a new month, so I am back with my five favorites for the month of November. Each month I share with you some of the things I have been recently loving. Sometimes I even share longtime loves. Thanks for reading!

(This post contains affiliate links, so thenotsobusymom receives a very small commission if you make a purchase through the links.)

  1. Peapod Grocery Delivery


Last year I shared 7 things I do to make my life a little easier. Number 2 on that list was: I order my groceries online. Where I live that happens thanks to Stop & Shop’s Peapod Grocery Delivery. I have loved Peapod because of how much time I save by not going to the grocery store. More recently, I have been loving how much money I save. The more I grocery shop online, the better I get at it. I have been staying under my grocery budget week after week thanks to Peapod. First time Peapod customers can get $20 off their order!

2. Slow Cooker Taco Soup


Because of our schedules on Wednesdays that is usually the day of the week I choose to do a crock pot (or slow cooker) meal. The other night I chose to make a soup from that I have made several times, Slow Cooker Taco Soup. It’s tasty and easy. It’s the perfect simple meal for this time of the year!

3. Ebates

I love finding ways to save money while spending. I just began doing some Christmas shopping, and I have been making sure I shop through Ebates. It’s easy for me to earn cash back when I shop at any one of the 2,000 retailers listed on their site. Most recently I made purchases at Old Navy and Payless Shoes. Thanks to Ebates, I made a few dollars, too.  First time users can earn $10 by signing up through my link.  It’s a simple tool to use at this time of the year when we are shopping more than normal.

4. Suave Body Wash

I often use Suave Body Wash, and I don’t usually think too much about which kind I buy. A few months ago, though, I found their Almond Verbena and have named it my favorite! If you can’t find the Almond Verbena then you might want to try the Cocoa Butter and Shea. It’s probably my second favorite right now.

5. The Simple Show, Episode 88


The Simple Show with Tsh Oxenreider and a few other fabulous co-hosts has always been one of my favorite podcasts. I think Episode 88, No & Yes,  is an especially great one to listen to if you have been following my blog. They discuss the importance of no and yes in our lives. Take a listen!

Those are my 5 favorites for the month of November! I am looking forward to sharing more next month!

What about you? What is one of your favorites this month? I would love to hear from you, so leave a comment below!

For more of my favorites, click here.

Until next time,

Continue reading “My 5 Favorites (November 2017)”

Gift Idea!!: 2 Blanket Scarves for $20 from Cents of Style

Cents of Style is back at it again, offering a great deal on their super, cute blanket scarves!!


(This post contains affiliate links, so thenotsobusymom receives a very small commission if you make a purchase through the links.)

If you are looking for a great gift idea, this is one to grab!! This weekend you can get 2 blanket scarves for $20 + free shipping with code FRIDAYSCARF!!!!



Awesome colors and patterns to choose from…



Hope you find something you like!!!


Until next time,


A Cozy Gift Basket Idea

A Cozy Gift BasketIdea

I think one of the loveliest gifts you can give is a basket of items you know the recipient will enjoy. I find that a cozy-themed basket works well for a variety of people and can be customized for whomever you are choosing to make the basket.

So, whether you’re thinking about Christmas, you have a friend with an upcoming birthday, or you just want to give a gift to a friend in need, here are the things you need to make a cozy gift basket.

(This post contains affiliate links, so thenotsobusymom receives a very small commission if you make a purchase through the links.)

Start with a basket.

I love the look of a rope basket , and you can find an endless amount of styles and sizes. If you are looking to save money in the basket department, head to your local Dollar Tree, and grab a large basket or bin there.

Add a blanket.

Nothing says cozy like a warm blanket. Pick your color, style, and size, and add it to the basket.

Next, choose a great book.

Wolf Hollow is a recent favorite of mine, so I would likely include that in my gift basket.

Pick a fun mug.

It’s hard to go wrong with a fun mug. It’s just another simple element that brings cozy to your gift basket.

And finally…a nice warm beverage completes the cozy basket.

I love chai, and I think many people would enjoy finding it in their gift basket.

There you have it! A few simple “ingredients” add up to a super cozy gift basket. You can spend as little or as much as you like on each item. Make it special and meaningful…make it cozy!!

What about you? What would you add to a cozy gift basket? I would love to hear from you, so leave your suggestions in the comments below.

Until next time,

Continue reading “A Cozy Gift Basket Idea”

Determine Your Priorities (Inside & Outside Your Home)

Determine Your Priorities

We are continuing to dig a little deeper into the hows of the not so busy life. Two weeks ago I shared that when you’re looking to make life less busy consider 2 broad areas of your life: life inside and outside your home. By dividing your life into these 2 areas and then evaluating the busyness of each, you can determine which area of your life might need more attention. For some of us, both areas can use a tune-up, so just pick whichever might be easiest to tackle first.

After determining which area you will tackle first, it’s now time to consider your priorities. Do the things you fill your time and your day with reflect those priorities? When we consider our priorities we can better fill our days, weeks, and months.

Grab a piece of paper and pen, find a quiet place to sit, and reflect on your priorities. You will use these priorities to help shape life inside and outside your home.


In a prior post I shared that my main priorities are:

  • my relationship with God
  • loving other people (family, friends, neighbors, people I meet, etc.) by reaching out, serving, encouraging, etc.

These are my overarching priorities, and there are many lesser priorities that also direct how I fill my days.

It will be your main priorities that shape your minor priorities that then shape the way you manage life inside and outside of your home.

What are your priorities inside the home: a tidy home? a home that is guest ready? a clean kitchen (and let the rest go)? dinner at home 4-5 nights a week? a peaceful environment? less clutter and more space?


These are just ideas. I don’t know what desires and priorities you have for inside your home. We’re all different but determining what you want life inside your home to look like will help determine how you spend your time in this area of your life.

What about priorities outside the home: do you want to be active in the community? are you looking to have your children involved in many extracurricular activities? are you hoping for more space on your calendar? is family time a desire? do you want to be more involved in your children’s school?


Again, each of us will have different thoughts and ideas about what life outside our home should look like. Do the hard work of really determining your priorities (and not those of the people around you), and see how and what you are doing outside of your home lines up with those priorities.

I hope that this post has encouraged you to do some deep thinking. I hope it has given you some of ideas for practical steps in the pursuit of the not so busy life.

What about you? Have you taken the time to consider your priorities? I would love to hear from you regarding this topic, so leave me a comment below!

Until next time,

Continue reading “Determine Your Priorities (Inside & Outside Your Home)”

Christmas Party Supplies from the Dollar Tree

I don’t like to rush the holidays, but I also like to plan ahead. I won’t decorate for one holiday the minute another ends, but I will buy ahead for gifts and decorations as needed in order to avoid last minute stress.

ChristmasParty Supplies from the Dollar Tree

**I was compensated for this post. This post also contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.**

Christmas is 2 months away. I am not playing music or decorating yet, but I am looking for gifts, decorations, and supplies here and there.

There are many options when it comes to Christmas decorations, and I enjoy mixing a variety of items from a variety of stores.

Dollar Tree is always a great option when it comes to finding inexpensive, festive items for your home.

Here are a few I picked up on a recent trip to the Dollar Tree:

IMG_5886Small tree clips that can be used to hang Christmas cards.

IMG_5887Paper plates in a festive red and white.

IMG_5888-1Napkins for your celebrations.

IMG_5889-1 Fun scented candles.

As you consider Christmas and holiday plans, don’t forget about the Dollar Tree. You’ll find a variety of options for a price you can’t beat!!

Until next time,

Continue reading “Christmas Party Supplies from the Dollar Tree”