My Advice When It Comes To Extra Curricular Activities

My advice when it comes to extra curricular activities

This fall our oldest daughter began middle school soccer. Our son began his second year of town soccer. The youngest is not participating in any sports.

Our oldest is playing clarinet for the second year. Our other two children do not play any instruments (yet). The oldest attends our church’s middle school youth group. The younger two participate in a monthly kids’ event.

This is their extra curricular life.

How did we arrive here?
How did we decide what to say yes and no to?
Is there a magic formula?

I want to share with you our methods for determining what activities our children participate in. It’s not a magic formula, but it works for us! It might just work for you, too!

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In a post I wrote at the very start of my blog, I shared the 4 traits of the Not So Busy Mom. One of those traits is the Not So Busy Mom considers her priorities. When you know and name your priorities, decisions become a whole lot easier. There is clarity because you’re not just making choices without much thought or reason. So we consider our priorities when choosing extra curricular activities. You can do the same.

If family time is a priority, then extra activities will be limited. If developing skills in a variety of areas is a priority, then more time will be give to numerous extra curricular activities. If church life is a priority, then church activities will take precedence over non-church activities. If getting involved in the community is important then more time will be given for opportunities within your surrounding neighborhood.

In our family, slower & simple living is a priority, so we choose to delay some of the activities that others might start earlier in a child’s life. For example, my oldest started soccer at age 10. For many people, that is considered too old and too late for starting a sport. We feel otherwise, and we are happy she is still enjoying soccer in what is now her second season.

When you know your priorities you are not swayed by others’ opinions, and you can make choices that are best for your child and for your family.


With your child

Take some time to talk with your child prior to signing up for and paying for activities. Let them share what they might be interested in, but you must also take time to share your thoughts. I realize that many parents think children know just what they want to do and how they want to do it. This is your opportunity to hear them and listen well, but it is also your opportunity to share your perspective and insight.

During these conversations, always remember to ask questions. Some questions to consider asking are: “Why are you interested in this activity?” “Do you think you can balance homework and practice time?” “What do you think we should do if you decide you want to quit this activity?”

Before beginning school soccer, my husband and I had a few short conversations with my daughter. We let the subject matter rest for a few days, and then we had a couple longer conversations and made sure she was feeling certain about her desire to play fall soccer.

These conversations can be easy to gloss over, but I think it’s important to have them. Have them if you think you already know what your child wants to do. Have them if you think they’re too old (or too young) to have these discussions. Have them.

With your spouse

It’s really the parents that take on a lot of the responsibility when it comes to their children participating in activities. If your children are under the driving age, you’re the driver. How much time do you want to commit each week to driving your child (or children) from activity to activity? How much time does your spouse want to commit? Do both parents feel comfortable with the decisions being made?

Yes, I believe children have a voice and should use it, but ultimately, you are the parent. Take the step in fulfilling that role and truly talk through and work through the practical aspects of having a child take part in extra activities.

My husband and I have ongoing conversations about what and how much our children will participate in. Again, it’s easy to think these conversations aren’t needed (or maybe you find them difficult), but they are important; you’ll be glad you made the choice to have these discussions!

Room for Change


Just because you’ve been on activity overload for the last several years doesn’t mean that has to continue. Just because your child has never participated in anything doesn’t mean you can’t try something new. Just because your child has always played baseball doesn’t mean they can’t join the track team instead.

There is room for change. Make room for change. Keep the conversations flowing. Check in with your child. Check in with your spouse. Don’t let the schedule control you. You control the schedule.

Breathing Room

You know that the Not So Busy Mom has to end with this one. Can I give a little advice? In the midst of all you might choose to put on your calendar, make some space for breathing room.

Breathing room is not popular. Breathing room is not what everyone at the bus stop is talking about. Breathing room is not what you hear about on Back to School Night when they share all the extra-curricular options for kids (and their families).

But you, you can be the one to start a new trend. You can be the one to push past what everyone else might be saying or doing. You can make room to breath.

I promise, you’re kids will thank you.

Breathing room is needed.In our calendars.In our to-do lists.In our weeks.In our years.In our lives.And over-stuffed life easily suffocates.

What about you? How do you decide which activities your child (or children) take part in? I’d love to hear your methods and thoughts, so leave a comment below!

Until next time,


Continue reading “My Advice When It Comes To Extra Curricular Activities”

3 Reasons I Don’t Like the Word BUSY

3 Reasons I Don't Like the Word Busy

It was several years ago that I began thinking a lot about the busyness of life. As I thought about it, observed those around me, and thought about it some more, I came to dislike the word busy.

Perhaps it sounds strange to dislike a word, but I have found that busy is not a word I really enjoy using or hearing. (Side note: if you’re in my real life, don’t be afraid to use this word around me. It’s okay, really!)

When it comes down to it, there are 3 big reasons I don’t like the word BUSY.

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It’s Overused

Take some time in the coming week to really listen to how often this word is used. Observe how often the people you come in contact with use it. Notice how often you use the word.

I think you will be shocked by just how often people use the term busy. I would almost categorize it as a buzz word these days. And the more a word is used (and overused), the less enamored I am by the word.

It’s generally used negatively

Not only is this word used with frequency, it’s almost always used negatively.

“Ugh. This week’s so busy!”

“I don’t know what to do; we’re just sooo busy!”

“I’m not looking forward to this busy season.”

Busy in and of itself is not a negative word, but we consistently use it in a negative way.

Every once in awhile you’ll hear someone say something positive about being busy, but overall, people are busy, upset about it, and ready to tell you just that!

Other words get squeezed out

Busy is so overused and so often thought of in a negative way that very rarely do people consider other words to describe their days or their weeks or (even) their lives.

Busy has become the default, descriptive word of choice, but there are so many other ways to describe our days and weeks.

Yes, a day can be busy, but it can also be: fun, tiring, exciting, ordinary, complicated, restful, memorable, sad, overwhelming, calm, hectic, satisfying, lovely, etc.

A Better Word?

The tagline for my blog is: living a full life without the busy. FULL is truly the way I like to describe my life. Why? It’s not this overused buzz word. Instead, it’s a word that speaks of intention and purpose.

Full is not negative. For me, it’s quite positive. I’m happy to have things to do & I want to do them well. I want to carefully consider my priorities & commitments in order to move beyond the busy & live life with purpose and to the full!

Less busy, more life


What about you? What do you think of the word BUSY? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this topic, so drop me a comment below!

Until next time,

Continue reading “3 Reasons I Don’t Like the Word BUSY”

5 More Things You Can Clean or Organize in 5 Minutes

How often do you find yourself dreading a nagging task that sits staring you in the face?

I know that I easily find myself saying, “I don’t want to do that right now!” or “Maybe I can do that tomorrow.”

These tasks are generally not overwhelming, but somehow, they seem to get pushed to the back burner. But what I find over and over is that they almost always take much less time than I every thought they would. In fact, it’s not uncommon for them to take just a few minutes to complete.

In light of this, today I am sharing 5 more things that can be cleaned or organized in 5 minutes or less. If you missed my original post dealing with the same topic, you can find it here!

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A few weeks ago I decluttered the inside of my purse, and that process was quite quick. The wallet, like the purse, can quickly accumulate unwanted items including: old receipts, coupons, and lists.


Time Taken to Complete Task: 3:29

Within a few minutes my wallet was clean and organized. Now let me work on keeping it that way!

Kitchen Sink

I wish I was better about cleaning my kitchen sink each evening, but I’m not. It really isn’t a lengthy task, though, so taking the few minutes to deep clean your sink at least a couple times a week seems worth it.

Time Taken to Complete Task: 5:17 (17 seconds over 5 minutes; I’m still calling it good!)

I sprinkled the inside of my sink with baking soda, gave it a good scrub, and rinsed it down. It’s now sparkling clean and ready for tomorrow’s dishes!

Car Glove Box

In a former blog post I shared that I keep a cosmetic bag in my glove box, and that bag generally stays quite tidy. The rest of the box, though, can become overly cluttered with extra napkins and random odds and ends that just get shoved inside and forgotten.

glove box

Time Taken to Complete Task: 4:15

In just a few minutes I was able to quickly remove a lot of extras and do a quick tidy.

Top of the Refrigerator

The top of our refrigerator can easily become a catch all. We hide things up there and also use it for extra storage of random items. Before we know it, it becomes quite messy.

Time Taken to Complete Task: 3:50

I’m so glad I took the time to do this. This task had been staring me in the face for way too long. I’m happy to see a much cleaner and more organized space now!

Sock Drawer

Truth be told, I actually have a sock basket. But whether it be a basket or a drawer, our sock collection can get a little overrun if we don’t tackle it every once in awhile. Sometimes you just have to throw out that holey sock; or finally admit that your missing sock is never going to be found, and it’s time to toss the mate.

sock basket

Time Taken to Complete Task: 2:10

I got rid of some worn out socks and even returned my son’s sock (which somehow made it to my collection) back to his room.

All of these tasks took me less than 5 minutes (and 17 seconds)! Getting started was the hardest part, but once I got going, well, I was almost done! In less than 25 minutes I had completed 5 tasks.

What about you? What will you clean or organize today?! Give yourself just 5 minutes and see what you can do! I’d love to hear what you think you can clean or organize in 5 minutes. Leave your ideas in the comments below!

Until next time,

Continue reading “5 More Things You Can Clean or Organize in 5 Minutes”

When Busy is Unavoidable

When Busy is Unavoidable

I have encouraged you to let go of the busy, and live life to the full. I have shared 4 traits of the not so busy mom. I have told you about considering your priorities and using those to shape your days. I do think there is far too much busy in our world these days, and I see it getting worse.

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The Avoidable

And it’s true, there is plenty of avoidable busy. We tend to pile things on our plate…and then pile some more. We cram far too many activities and commitments into our week. We say yes before carefully considering how much we can truly handle. Yes, I believe much of our busy is avoidable.

But some is unavoidable.

The Unavoidable

Perhaps your spouse is sick with a disease, and your weeks are filled with doctor visits or hospital stays. Maybe you have a family situation that is not “seasonal” but permanent, and because of that you have numerous appointments and commitments. Perhaps you are a single mom who bears the burden of carrying it all.

Please hear me when I say that I completely acknowledge your unavoidable busy. Life comes with ups and downs, and often, the downs can be very lengthy and perhaps even long-term. Those things can’t be avoided. Some of us have more busy than others for reasons that cannot be controlled.

Yes, some busy is unavoidable.


Control What You Can

But what are my words to you and really to all of us?

Control what you can.

In the midst of the unavoidable, control what you can. Control the busy that is avoidable. Make choices that lead to more intentional living and less of the meaningless “to dos”. Carefully consider your yes’s and no’s knowing that your time is precious, and you want to make the most of your days.

Life is life, and things will come our way that make parts of our lives unavoidably busy. We can’t control that. What we can control are the choices we make that help shape a life that is full and well-lived no matter our circumstances.

This life is a gift! Live it well, my friends!


What about you? Are you feeling the weight of your unavoidable busy? What choices do you make to control the busy when and where you can? Leave your thoughts in the comments below!

Until next time,

Continue reading “When Busy is Unavoidable”

Quick Tip: Remove Items From Their Home When Decluttering

how to(1)

It’s been several months since I shared a quick tip, but these are some of my favorite posts to write.

I have shared a few posts that fit into the category of “decluttering”, but today I want to share a simple tip when it comes to this topic.

Quick tip: Remove Items From Their Home When Decluttering.

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Now you might be tempted to say, “Um…of course, isn’t that a very obvious and typical course of action?”.

So often, though, when we’re looking to declutter, and perhaps do it quickly, we simply leave the items where they reside and poke our way through them.

Just going through the items in the space where they live will do some good, but not as much good as can be done when the items are removed. It allows you to seriously consider whether you want to return an item back to the place you found it. Removing the items also allows opportunity to clean the space: wipe down shelves, dust corners, vacuum floors, etc.


Yes, I found a goldfish in my purse. (Oh, motherhood.)

declutter 2

Do a quick dust or wipe down while the space is open.


Remove items and consider whether you want to return them back to your closet.

Next time you declutter, take an extra few minutes to remove all the items from their space. Your results will be more thorough and long-lasting!

For more quick tips, click here.

What about you? Do you have a favorite decluttering tip? I would love to hear it, so leave me a comment below!

Until next time,

Continue reading “Quick Tip: Remove Items From Their Home When Decluttering”

7 Of My Family’s Favorite Games


We are a family who enjoys playing games together. Sometimes it’s just two players, and sometimes it’s all five of us. Playing games is a great way to have fun and spend time together!

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Today I am sharing 7 of our favorite games!


Uno is probably the game we enjoy playing together the most. It’s a game well-suited for almost all ages, so our 4 year old can play and enjoy it as much as my husband and I do. It’s a fun game that isn’t all luck nor all skill which seems to be the type of game that keeps everyone happy.

Spot it

Spot it is another “great for all ages” game. We were introduced to this game several years ago by a family friend and continue to enjoy playing. Our kids love when they beat their parents (which does happen on occasion). The original Spot it has produced a variety of spin-offs including: Spot it Jr. Animals, Spot it! Numbers and Shapes, and Spot it! Hip Card Game.

Connect 4

Connect 4 is a favorite 2-player game in our home. I love a game that stands the test of time, and Connect 4 is definitely one of those. Sometimes our family has tournaments. This is an easy way to include all family members in a 2 player game!


Quadrillion is the newest game that has been added to our collection. It was given as a gift to my son this past Christmas, and he has thoroughly enjoyed this puzzle-type game. This one really stretches the mind, so if you have a child who enjoys thinking through and solving problems, this might be the perfect choice for him or her!


Racko brings me back to my childhood in an instant. This is the game my sisters and I enjoyed playing with our grandparents. I have so many wonderful memories of laughing with them and bonding over a fun round of Racko!

Guess Who?

Guess Who? is another game that quickly takes me back to my childhood. It was definitely my favorite game as an elementary-aged child. There are plenty of new versions, and Amazon still sells the retro version, too. This is a great 2 player guessing game that provides plenty of laughs!


If you’re looking for a classic game to add to your collection, don’t forget about Checkers. It’s another game that players of various ages can learn and enjoy.

What about you? What games are played most often in your home? Share your favorites in the comments below!

Until next time,

Continue reading “7 Of My Family’s Favorite Games”