7 Laundry Tips to Keep Your Clothes Looking Good & Lasting Longer

Laundry Tricks(1)

If there’s something I do a lot of, it’s laundry. And I’m sure that’s true for you, too!

The other day, as I was going through my laundry routine, I was noticing all the little things I do (without thinking about it) to keep my clothes looking good and lasting longer.

Today I’m sharing my 7 tips with you!

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1) Don’t overload the washer

If you want your clothes to get clean, overloading your washer will defeat the purpose. Overloading is a normal temptation because it equals less loads, but if you keep the load on the lighter side, your clothes (and your machine) will thank you.

2) Use a stain spray


It’s inevitable that clothing will get stained. I do my best to treat these stains as soon as possible. I have tried a number of stain sprays over the years. Shout happens to be my favorite. I find that it gets out most of the stains we have on the first try.

3) Use the delicate cycle

I use the delicate cycle for every load except for my bath towels. I enjoyed reading this article from mamaslaundrytalk.com about the difference between washing cycles and how to choose your washing cycle.

4) Turn your clothes inside out

This does require a second step, but I have found it to be beneficial. I don’t turn everything inside out, but I almost always doing this to jeans, graphic tees, and clothing with extra embellishments (like sequins or sparkles).

5) Hang your clothes to dry


I don’t hang all my clothes to dry because we don’t have an outside line. I do, though, hang many of my shirts and other delicate items on hangers and allow them to air dry.

6) Dry on low heat

I dry almost all my items on low heat. I have found this to be a gentler option for my clothes.

7) Use a garment bag


I shared this tip in a previous quick tips post. I really do love my garment bags. You can purchase them in a wide variety of sizes, so even larger clothing items can easily be washed in these bags.

That’s it!

Those are my 7 simple tips that have really helped to keep my clothes looking good and lasting longer! There will always be laundry, so we might as well do it as best we can!

What about you? What are your best laundry tips? Drop a comment below!!

Until next time,

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5 More Things You Can Clean or Organize in 5 Minutes

How often do you find yourself dreading a nagging task that sits staring you in the face?

I know that I easily find myself saying, “I don’t want to do that right now!” or “Maybe I can do that tomorrow.”

These tasks are generally not overwhelming, but somehow, they seem to get pushed to the back burner. But what I find over and over is that they almost always take much less time than I every thought they would. In fact, it’s not uncommon for them to take just a few minutes to complete.

In light of this, today I am sharing 5 more things that can be cleaned or organized in 5 minutes or less. If you missed my original post dealing with the same topic, you can find it here!

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A few weeks ago I decluttered the inside of my purse, and that process was quite quick. The wallet, like the purse, can quickly accumulate unwanted items including: old receipts, coupons, and lists.


Time Taken to Complete Task: 3:29

Within a few minutes my wallet was clean and organized. Now let me work on keeping it that way!

Kitchen Sink

I wish I was better about cleaning my kitchen sink each evening, but I’m not. It really isn’t a lengthy task, though, so taking the few minutes to deep clean your sink at least a couple times a week seems worth it.

Time Taken to Complete Task: 5:17 (17 seconds over 5 minutes; I’m still calling it good!)

I sprinkled the inside of my sink with baking soda, gave it a good scrub, and rinsed it down. It’s now sparkling clean and ready for tomorrow’s dishes!

Car Glove Box

In a former blog post I shared that I keep a cosmetic bag in my glove box, and that bag generally stays quite tidy. The rest of the box, though, can become overly cluttered with extra napkins and random odds and ends that just get shoved inside and forgotten.

glove box

Time Taken to Complete Task: 4:15

In just a few minutes I was able to quickly remove a lot of extras and do a quick tidy.

Top of the Refrigerator

The top of our refrigerator can easily become a catch all. We hide things up there and also use it for extra storage of random items. Before we know it, it becomes quite messy.

Time Taken to Complete Task: 3:50

I’m so glad I took the time to do this. This task had been staring me in the face for way too long. I’m happy to see a much cleaner and more organized space now!

Sock Drawer

Truth be told, I actually have a sock basket. But whether it be a basket or a drawer, our sock collection can get a little overrun if we don’t tackle it every once in awhile. Sometimes you just have to throw out that holey sock; or finally admit that your missing sock is never going to be found, and it’s time to toss the mate.

sock basket

Time Taken to Complete Task: 2:10

I got rid of some worn out socks and even returned my son’s sock (which somehow made it to my collection) back to his room.

All of these tasks took me less than 5 minutes (and 17 seconds)! Getting started was the hardest part, but once I got going, well, I was almost done! In less than 25 minutes I had completed 5 tasks.

What about you? What will you clean or organize today?! Give yourself just 5 minutes and see what you can do! I’d love to hear what you think you can clean or organize in 5 minutes. Leave your ideas in the comments below!

Until next time,

Continue reading “5 More Things You Can Clean or Organize in 5 Minutes”

Quick Tip: Remove Items From Their Home When Decluttering

how to(1)

It’s been several months since I shared a quick tip, but these are some of my favorite posts to write.

I have shared a few posts that fit into the category of “decluttering”, but today I want to share a simple tip when it comes to this topic.

Quick tip: Remove Items From Their Home When Decluttering.

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Now you might be tempted to say, “Um…of course, isn’t that a very obvious and typical course of action?”.

So often, though, when we’re looking to declutter, and perhaps do it quickly, we simply leave the items where they reside and poke our way through them.

Just going through the items in the space where they live will do some good, but not as much good as can be done when the items are removed. It allows you to seriously consider whether you want to return an item back to the place you found it. Removing the items also allows opportunity to clean the space: wipe down shelves, dust corners, vacuum floors, etc.


Yes, I found a goldfish in my purse. (Oh, motherhood.)

declutter 2

Do a quick dust or wipe down while the space is open.


Remove items and consider whether you want to return them back to your closet.

Next time you declutter, take an extra few minutes to remove all the items from their space. Your results will be more thorough and long-lasting!

For more quick tips, click here.

What about you? Do you have a favorite decluttering tip? I would love to hear it, so leave me a comment below!

Until next time,

Continue reading “Quick Tip: Remove Items From Their Home When Decluttering”

3 Ways To Be Less Busy Inside Your Home

3 Ways to Be Less Busy Inside Your Home

I try to encourage someone who is looking to be less busy but is unsure of where to start to consider two broad areas of life: life inside and outside the home. Once you think about life in these two broad areas, you can begin to consider your priorities and make necessary changes.

When it comes to life inside the home, you might wonder what kind of busyness occurs there. It is true, though, that some of the busyness of life can come from what goes on inside the home. It’s not all bad and much of it is very necessary. Finding ways to make things less busy inside the home contributes to an overall life that is more full (and less busy).

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Let’s look at 3 simple ways to make life less busy inside the home.
1) Declutter


A lot of time inside the home can be spent cleaning, organizing, and tidying. Less time can be spent on these activities when we begin to take the time to declutter.

Our stuff takes up space. Our stuff needs to be maintained and managed. Because of this, our stuff takes up our time. Less stuff means less to manage and that means more time for other people and activities.

There are a variety of methods for tackling clutter. You can take a room by room approach, or you can tackle your clutter by category. However you choose to take on this task, you will see results that spill over positively into all areas of your home life.

A few book suggestions for inspiration:

the life-changing magic of tidying up by Marie Kondo

Organized Simplicity by Tsh Oxenreider

The More of Less by Joshua Becker

2) Establish Routines


Once you have taken some time to declutter, routines can help you maintain the order you have worked to create.

I’m not going to go into the specifics of what your routines might look like in this post, but I will share that routines such as: morning, cleaning, laundry, dinner prep, and evening will help contribute to more ease and less busyness in the home. These routines keep things “running”, if you will.

For more about routines check out these blog posts:

5 Tasks To Do Before Bedtime to Prepare for the Next Day

The One Household Chore I Try to Do Every Day

Quick Tip: Make School Lunches While You Cook Dinner

3) Enlist Help


You could definitely enlist professional help and that might be a good choice for you. If it is a good financial and practical choice for you, then go for it.

The help I prefer is already living in my house! My husband and I encourage our children to be a part of the housekeeping that must occur to keep our home running smoothly. Our children have paid chores. Our children have tasks they are asked to do just because. Our children are in our family and are expected to contribute.

Is this always easy? No. Do they sometimes complain? Yes. But I am okay with that. Their help is needed now to lessen the load. Their help is also growing in them character and maturity for the future.

For more about chores:

Kids & Chores (Blog Post)

Cleaning House by Kay Wills Wyma

Life inside the home can have a busyness to it, but I hope that the ideas I shared today help lessen and lighten your load.

What about you? What do you do to make life less busy inside your home? I would love to hear from you, so drop me a comment below!

Until next time,

Continue reading “3 Ways To Be Less Busy Inside Your Home”

How I Organize My Kids’ School Papers


If you have school age children, then you have school papers. In fact, you have lots and lots of school papers.

It can be overwhelming to figure out what to do with all that comes home in the backpack each day. I have 3 children (1 in middle school & 2 in elementary), so that’s 3 backpacks with plenty of papers and various projects. Thankfully, I have found an organizational system that works for our family, and I am sharing it with you today!

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Sort the Papers As Soon as Possible

The kids and I go through the papers almost immediately after coming home from school. We deal with that stack of papers right then and there. In our home, school papers generally go to 1 of 3 different places:

“To be Saved” Basket


Papers that have the potential to make it into the child’s memory box (more about that later) are placed in a basket that we keep right in our dining room hutch. These tend to be special projects, unique writing pieces, or even a high scoring quiz or test.

The items in this basket are not necessarily going to end up in the memory box, but they do have that potential. The basket is sifted through now and again as the year progresses and as more work comes home.

“Important Papers” Binder


There are plenty of papers that come home for each of my children that need to be saved for most (if not all) of the year. These papers include things like: master calendars, class schedules, classroom rules, login information, etc. Our binder is divided into three sections, one for each child. If a child comes home with an important paper then we 3-hole punch it, and stick it in their section of the binder.

Field trip forms and other timely information are not kept in the binder. These forms are dealt with as soon as possible. I sign the form and return it to the back pack. We write important dates on our calendar and discard the paper.

Recycling Bag


I know. It can be really hard to get rid of work your child has completed. If we keep everything, well, we might have a hard time finding the kitchen table in a few months. If the paper is not going in the basket (and then possibly the memory box) or the binder, then it gets recycled. We still take the time to acknowledge the work. We ask about the assignment or have them read a part of it to us. But yes, it quickly makes its way to the recycling bin. And yes, this is something our children know happens.


Sometimes we hang items on the fridge or a door to display the work for a period of time. Sometimes these items make it to the memory box, and sometimes they don’t. It’s nice for the kids to see their work around the house.

Keep the Special Work in a Memory Box


The memory box is the final stop. Work that has remained in the basket is now considered as material for the memory box. By the end of the year, we have a small stack of papers in the basket, and we look through that to choose the work that will make it to the box.

Each child has a memory box with a section for each grade they have completed. The section includes a school photo for the year and (about) 8-12 papers or small projects from the year. It’s a great way to remember the child at that time in their life!

School papers are inevitable, but keeping them all is impossible. A simple organizational system seems to be the best way to tackle the paper problem. I hope you found a little inspiration from our system!

What about you? How do you organize school papers?  I would love to hear your ideas, so drop them in the comments below!

Until next time,

Continue reading “How I Organize My Kids’ School Papers”

What I Keep in the Cosmetic Bag in My Glove Box

What I Keep in the Cosmetic Bag in myGlove Box-1

(This post contains affiliate links, so thenotsobusymom receives a very small commission if you make a purchase through the links.)

Have you ever left your house, been a few minutes down the road, and realized you forgot to put on deodorant?

Have you ever left your house, arrived at your destination, and realized you never brushed your teeth?

No? Oh, right, neither have I.

Okay, not true. I have forgotten to do many important things, and I often realize it when it’s too late. Because in the midst of getting 3 kids out the door and trying to put myself together, I sometimes forget things.

It was because of these various “Oh, no!” moments that I chose to create a little “emergency kit” of sorts for the glove box of my car.


I could keep these emergency items in my purse, but right now I am enjoying my medium-sized crossbody bag. I don’t want to add more bulk to my purse or buy a larger one at this point. Having a cosmetic bag that remains in the glove box of my van seems like the perfect solution for the time being.

The Contents



*hair tie

*bobby pin

*Wisp (mini-toothbrushes)


*cotton swabs

I picked up the super cute bag that contains all these items at the Dollar Tree. (I know you’re surprised.)

What I Want to Add to My Bag

*Tide to Go Stain Pen


A Few Other Tips

Don’t try to prepare for every possible situation. Remember this is a small bag you are trying to fill with emergency items. If you start playing out every scenario, you’ll be filling your glove box and car with too much extra clutter.

Clean out and restock the bag periodically. Your items will be used and need replacing. Some items might get old and need a refresh. Check your bag periodically, so you’re not caught off guard the next time you need an item unexpectedly.

Consider a bag for each car. If you have more than one car, consider making two of these kits. They’re not that expensive, but they do come in handy, so while assembling one bag, you might as well put together another.


What about you? Do you keep anything stocked in your glove box? What item do you always wish you had in your car? Leave your ideas below! I would love to hear from you!

Until next time,

Continue reading “What I Keep in the Cosmetic Bag in My Glove Box”